First Nations Child Welfare Trajectories

About the Trajectories of First Nations Youth Subject to the Youth Protection Act project (2017-2022):

This project is a long term collaboration led by the the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission (FNQLHSSC).  Participating organizations have included the Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services (MHSS), the Association des Centres Jeunesse du Quebec (ACJQ), the Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESS), the McGill University Centre for Research on Children and Families (CRCF), and the Université de Montréal Canada Research Chair (CRC) in social services for vulnerable children. The committee's work is guided by the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Research Protocol and the Ownership, Control, Access, and Possession (OCAP®) principles. The committee is currently conducting research on understandings of child/youth well being, and of neglect, in First Nations communities. In 2016, the committee released a report that uses longitudinal, child-level administrative data to provide a detailed portrait of the service trajectories of First Nations children, living both in and outside of First Nations communities, who were in contact with the child protection system in Quebec between 2002 and 2014. The analyses presented in this report track First Nations and non-Aboriginal children for up to 3 years following investigation and out-of-home placement, and 12 months following case closure.The analyses presented in the report were possible because First Nations, the executive directors of the mandated child protection agencies and the ACJQ agreed to support the effort to better understand the service trajectories of First Nation children.  The FNQLHSSC is currently developing plans for follow up to the 2016 report.

Project Committee (2017-2022): 
Patricia Montambault + Melanie Courtois +Julie Bernier + Maude Ostiguy-Lauzon+ Marie-Pierre Paul+ Richard Gray + Nancy Gros Louis McHugh, First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission
Carl Lacharité, University of Quebec at Three Rivers; Tonino Esposito, University of Montreal; Vandna Sinha, University of Colorado, Boulder & McGill University

Funding (2018-2021): Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services

Project Committee (2013-2016): 
Lisa Ellington + Richard Gray + Jean-Denis Gill+ Nancy Gros Louis McHugh, First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission
Marie Jacob + Johanne Rhainds + Marie-Claude Paquette, Ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux
Michael Udy

Research Team (2013-2016):
Mireille De La Sablonnière-Griffin  |  Vandna Sinha  |  Tonino Esposito  |  Martin Chabot  |  Nico Trocmé

Funding (2013-2017): Building Research Capacity with First Nations and Mainstream Youth Protection Services in Quebec initiative (SSHRC, Trocmé)

Related Publications

Published reportS

Montambault, P., et al (2022) Better understanding the phenomenon of child neglect in the context of First Nations in Quebec: Component 4 of the Analysis of the Trajectories of First Nations Youth Subject to the Youth Protection Act. Wendake, QC: First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission

Sablonnière-Griffin, Sinha, Esposito, Chabot & Trocmé (2016) Trajectories of First Nations Youth Subject to the Youth Protection Act. Component 3: Analysis of mainstream youth protection agencies administrative data. Wendake, QC: First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission.

Sablonnière-Griffin, Sinha, Esposito, Chabot & Trocmé (2016) Analyse des trajectoires des jeunes des Premières Nations assujettis à la Loi sur la protection de la jeuness. Volet 3: Analyse de données de gestion des établissements offrant des services de protection de la jeunesse. Wendake, QC: Commission de la santé et des services sociaux des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador.